Sensor Technology
SWITCHING THE SMART WAY - PIC is your partner for Reed- and Hall-based sensor solutions! With the solution finder below we would like to give you a preselection of possibly suitable products for your application - but we are happy to advise you personally and individually.
Product Overview

Interactive Reed Switch
Simulate the different methods of actuating a Reed Switch with our interactive tool and learn about the switching characteristics.
You will get a detailed explanation about the different features by clicking the "Help" button.
Interactive-Tool on your mobile device
Scan the QR code with your mobile device to get to the app version of our interactive Reed Switch! Works on all platforms, wherever you go - even offline without mobile internet connection.

PIC International
The PIC Group consists of the company headquarters in Germany, production facilities in China and Turkey and sales offices in Asia. Furthermore, a worldwide network of sales partners is taking care of your needs. Wherever you develop or produce - we are your partner for sensor solutions based on Reed and Hall technology.